Bram 'Boco' Sels is a Belgian artist and concept designer who has worked in the entertainment industry since 2012. Currently he's doing freelance work for a broad range of clients, while also working as a concept artist for the Belgium based studio GriN on their upcoming indie title Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries.

Client List:
Wideshot Entertainment
Marauder Film
Tokkun Studios
Wyrd Miniatures
Alderac Entertainment Group
Centipede Press

Digital Art Masters 9
Digital Painting Techniques 6
Spectrum 21
3DTotal Interview

For commissions, freelance inquiries or other questions, feel free to contact me at

Art Hard, Ride Free!

© 2014 All rights reserved. All Images are the property of Bram Sels unless stated otherwise and may not be used without the written consent of Bram Sels.